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Saboten Con 2012

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Saboten Con 2012 Empty Saboten Con 2012

Mensaje  Densha Otaku Lun 15 Oct - 11:48

Saboten Con 2012 Saboten-con-ticket-banner

Thank You for an amazing year!

Saboten Con would like to thank everyone who helped make this event happen. From the staff and volunteers who worked so hard to make sure everyone had a great time, to the guests who were just amazing and fun to be around, and to the attendees who came and had a great time over the weekend. Hope to see you all in 2013!

Densha Otaku
Densha Otaku


PAÍS : Perú

SEXO : Masculino


KARMA : 790


EMPLEO/OCIO : The Passenger...I am the passenger and I ride and I ride I ride through the city's backsides I see the stars come out of the sky yeah the bright and hollow sky you know it looks so good tonight

HUMOR : Hakuna Matata

COMO TE SIENTES HOY : Movin' on Without You...Everything I Do, I Do is For You

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