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Deadman Wonderland

Light Mackiavela
Densha Otaku
8 participantes

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Deadman Wonderland Empty Deadman Wonderland

Mensaje  Adrik Vie 22 Jul - 7:48

Deadman Wonderland (デッドマンワンダーランド, Deddoman Wandārando?) es una serie manga escrita por Jinsei Kataoka e ilustrada por Kazuma Kondou, conocido por crear el manga Eureka Seven, y publicada en la revista Shonen Ace, de la editorial Kadokawa Shoten desde 2007. En 2011 se adaptó al anime por el estudio Manglobe.
Deadman Wonderland Deadman%20wonderland

Diez años han pasado desde «El Gran Terremoto de Tokio», un desastre natural que hundió más del 70 por ciento de Tokio en el océano. Ganta Igarashi es un estudiante de escuela secundaria medio de 14 años en la Prefectura Nagano. Ganta es un superviviente del terremoto, pero él no tiene ninguna memoria sobre el desastre y simplemente desea jugar al fútbol y vivir una vida normal. Todo cambió un día cuando un hombre misterioso cubierto en sangre aparece fuera de su ventana del aula. «El Hombre Rojo» mata a los compañeros de clase de Ganta, pero extrañamente lo deja vivir después de incrustar un cristal carmesí en su pecho. La vida de Ganta va de mal en peor cuando él es culpado por los espantosos asesinatos y condenado a cadena perpetua en «Deadman Wonderland».
Deadman Wonderland (DW) es la única prisión de Japón públicamente manejada, construida después del terremoto como una atracción turística para ayudar a reanimar a Tokio. Los prisioneros sirven como el personal y el entretenimiento para los visitantes. Debido a la naturaleza atroz del crimen de Ganta, a él le dan «la pena de muerte» de DW, que se trata de un collar metálico alrededor de su cuello que inyecta lentamente veneno en su cuerpo. El único modo de retrasar su «ejecución», es consumiendo un antídoto especial, parecido a un caramelo, cada tres días. Un poco después de llegar a la prisión, Ganta se encuentra con una muchacha misteriosa llamada Shiro, que parece conocer a Ganta del pasado. Él también hace amistad con un preso llamado Yoh, un cleptómano con un talento especial para localizar cosas.
Siguiendo profesando su inocencia, Ganta se obsesiona con encontrar al «Hombre Rojo», que puede estar en algún sitio dentro de la prisión. En el curso de su búsqueda, Ganta comienza a desarrollar una capacidad extraña para controlar su sangre. Pronto descubre un nivel secreto debajo de la prisión que habitan los «Deadmen». Estos, como Ganta, pueden controlar su sangre y usarla como un arma. Ganta es forzado a participar en torneos de lucha secretos contra otros Deadmen, en los cuales, gente anónima paga grandes sumas de dinero para presenciar. El ganador recibe una gran suma de créditos de la prisión y un pedazo de caramelo de antídoto. El perdedor, si sobrevive al combate, pierde una parte de su cuerpo seleccionada por una máquina tragaperras, la cual puede ser una parte interna (órganos) o externa del cuerpo (incluidas partes como los ojos y el cabello).


Personajes principales

Ganta Igarashi (五十嵐 丸太, Igarashi Ganta?)
Seiyū: Romi Paku
Ganta es un niño de 14 años conocido por la población en general como el Prisionero 5580. La clase entera de Ganta fue asesinada por el misterioso «Hombre Rojo». Por razones desconocidas, el «Hombre Rojo» dejó vivo a Ganta y se marchó, pero no antes de incrustarle un cristal rojo en su pecho. Siendo el único sobreviviente, Ganta es declarado culpable de los asesinatos y enviado al Deadman Wonderland. «La Rama de Pecado» es una extraña habilidad que han desarrollado Ganta y algunos otros prisioneros del DW. Ganta es capaz de trabajar su sangre en proyectiles parecidos a una bala, que él despide de su palma. Mientras más sangre él use haciéndolas más grandes, más poderosas se hacen. Las balas pequeñas no son tan poderosas, pero son mucho más rápidas que los más grandes. La mayor debilidad de la capacidad de Ganta es que él pierde la sangre con cada bala que él despide. Debido a su pequeña estatura, mientras más larga es la duración de una lucha, mayor es el riesgo que Ganta se desmaye de la sangre que pierde.

Shiro (シロ, Shiro?)
Seiyū: Kana Hanazawa
Shiro es una misteriosa muchacha albina que Ganta encuentra cuando él llega a la prisión. A diferencia de la población normal de la prisión que viste la ropa de internos, Shiro lleva una vestimenta apretada cubierta con señales de remolinos rojos. Ella no lleva zapatos y prefiere estar descalza y utiliza guantes en sus manos. Ella es sumamente atlética y es inhumanamente fuerte. A pesar de estar cerca de la edad de Ganta, Shiro habla en oraciones infantiles y fragmentadas, y tiene una personalidad simple e inocente. Ella es muy aficionada a Ganta y recorre grandes distancias para ir a protegerlo. Esta actitud se debe a que Ganta era el único amigo de Shiro cuando ella era mucho más joven, sin embargo Ganta no puede recordar aquellos tiempos. A pesar de la vida en el Deadman Wonderland, Shiro parece ser capaz de moverse en todas partes de la prisión sin dificultad alguna ya que ella ha vivido en el complejo durante un tiempo muy largo, y es capaz de viajar a través de los diferentes aberturas con facilidad, tiene el hábito de aparecer de repente de la nada.

Yō Takami (鷹見 羊, Takami Yō?)
Seiyū: Yūki Kaji
Yō es un preso que Ganta encuentra poco después de llegar al DW. Él golpeó a Ganta con una carretilla, y fue acuchillado por la Guardia Delantera Makina quien lo sospecha de robar a Ganta mientras sus bienes fueron esparcidos por todas partes. Él rápidamente se hace amigo de Ganta, aunque en realidad fue asignado por el Ayudante el Guardián Tamaki para cuidarlo, a cambio de puntos de CP. Él parece ser amistoso y cortés, pero es de hecho una persona en secreto violenta y calculadora. Su razonamiento para estar en el Deadman Wonderland es que debe encontrar a su hermana y pagar por su liberación de la prisión con sus Puntos de Coste acumulados. Él logra encontrarla mientras luchaba contra Ganta, y revela que siempre ha sabido que su hermana era la responsable de matar a su padre, pero a pesar de ello todavía la quiere y quiere liberarla. La hermana de Yō lo usa como un escudo humano para bloquear los ataques de Ganta, pero Ganta lo libera y derrota a su hermana.

Kiyomasa Senji (千地 清正, Senji Kiyomasa?)
Seiyū: Masayuki Katou
Apodo: Cuervo
Senji, conocido como «Cuervo», es el primer Deadman que Ganta encuentra en la prisión. Él es extremadamente sanguinario en los combates y, como resultado, disfruta de su vida en la cárcel y los duelos en el «Carnaval de Cadáveres».Es el primer oponente de Ganta en el Carnaval de Cadaveres, Senji aparentemente dominaba el combate, pero pierde el combate debido a que Ganta logra golpearlo en su pecho. Como castigo por perder, su ojo derecho fue removido. Regresa más tarde con un parche en el ojo. Ayuda a Ganta dándole asistencia en forma de estímulo y el asesoramiento, insistiendo en que no perderá de nuevo. El poder de su Rama del Pecado es convertir su sangre en guadañas increiblemente afiladas que sobresalen de sus antebrazos, las Crow Claws. Senji puede realizar un ataque a la velocidad del sonido que el llama Invisible Black. Senji fue el que nombró «Ganta Gun» a los ataques de Ganta. Mientras que Ganta odia este nombre, Senji absolutamente lo adora. Su frase favorita es «cortar», le da vergüenza y se pone nervioso cuando una mujer actúa de forma inapropiada, eso se da a conocer cuando al ve a Shiro por primera vez, le da su chaqueta alegando «que una chica no debe de estar con ropas tan pegadas».
El también fue un Ex-oficial, antes del terremoto en Tokio. Las iniciales que tiene en su ojo derecho son las iniciales de sus camaradas muertos por supuestamente su culpa.

El Hombre Rojo
Es el corazón y la extensión de las habilidades de la «Rama del Pecado». Su nombre se deriva al hecho de que cada vez que aparece, está a menudo cubierto de sangre. Su cuerpo está limitado por ciertas restricciones, que inicialmente eran estar en cautiverio dentro del Deadman Wonderland. Aparte de esto, la parte inferior de su cara es la única parte que puede ser vista. Hasta ahora, sus capacidades son el control de la sangre así como una capacidad desconocida que es capaz de desmembrar y/o causar la muerte retorciendo el cuerpo en posiciones poco naturales. Al principio, él era responsable de la muerte de la clase entera de Ganta así como también el que incrustó el cristal rojo dentro del pecho de Ganta. Él también es el supuesto responsable del Terremoto que hundió Tokio.
Es la madre de Ganta, quien se murio probablemente en el terremoto de hace 10 años, ella es la principal responsable sobre «Wretched Egg» (Huevo Podrido), ella invento el sistema «Mother Goose» para calmar a Shiro cuando esta en su otra personalidad. Conforme aumenta la historia, ella juega más protagonismo en el manga. Tiene un diario el cual La hermana de Yoh, Minatsuki.

Autoridades de la Prisión

Guardia jefe Makina (マキナ, Makina?)
Seiyū: Takako Honda
Makina es una oficial de alto estatus de la prisión y líder de las guardias del DW. Makina es una oficial áspera que lleva una espada con la cual suele cortar a los prisioneros que transgreden las reglas. Ella cree que la realidad se propone para ser injusta. A pesar de su carencia de interés por los prisioneros, ella sospecha de Tamaki y no está de acuerdo con sus acciones. Su incomodidad aumenta cuando ella más tarde descubre que hay lugares ocultos en la prisión a los que ella no tiene el acceso.

Tsunenaga Tamaki (玉木 常長, Tamaki Tsunenaga?)
Seiyū: Junichi Suwabe
Tamaki es el hijo del Guardián de la prisión. Tamaki en gran parte ha tomado la responsabilidad de la dirección de la prisión, y la utiliza su poderosa posición para el tratamiento poco ético a sus prisioneros. Tamaki es también un científico y en secreto ha estado estudiando «la Rama del Pecado», la capacidad que se comenzó a manifestar en la gente un poco después del Gran Terremoto de Tokio. Para observar el grado de estos poderes, Tamaki creó un juego macabro llamado «el Carnaval de los Muertos», donde él hace luchar a dos «Muertos», prisioneros poseedores de «la Rama de Pecado», el uno contra el otro. Tamaki ha tomado un interés particular a Ganta, sobre todo debido a su deseo de estudiar el cristal rojo incrustado en su pecho. Más tarde se revela que Tamaki era responsable de conseguir que Ganta fuera condenado por el asesinato de sus compañeros de clase, ya que al tenerlo encarcelado en el DW él podría estudiarlo. Creó un grupo de ejecución llamado «los Enterradores» para evitar rebeliones por parte de los Deadman.

Scar Chain
Los Scar Chain (自由の鎖, Sukā Chein?) es un grupo de Deadmen que se opone al encarcelamiento que sufren e idean un plan de fuga con la intención de revelar la verdad al resto del mundo. Ellos creen en la definición propia de «libertad» que tiene cada uno de sus miembros. Es liderado por el Deadman Búho/Kengamine Nagi.

Nagi Kengamine (剣ヶ峰 凪, Kengamine Nagi?)
Seiyū: Daisuke Ono
Nagi perdió intencionalmente el duelo que tuvo con su amante en el Carnaval Cadáver, sólo para que Tamaki la matara con el fin de castigar a su deshonestidad. Al ataque de su «Rama del Pecado» se le llama «Ojo del Búho», este poder le permite generar ámbitos de sangre que detonan con tremenda fuerza.

Koshio Karako
Seiyū: Kumiko Itou
Koshio es la segunda al mando de Scar Chain , conocida como «El juego Gallinas», la verdadera razón por la cual lucha es porque ama secretamente a Nagi y lucha por su causa. Ella es capaz de utilizar su «Rama del Pecado» cubriendo una parte o la totalidad de su cuerpo en sangre, lo que refuerza su natural resistencia y durabilidad.

Los Undertakers (墓守, Andāteikā?, Enterradores) son un grupo especial de ejecución, específicamente formados como soldados de lucha contra los Deadmen. El grupo está compuesto por algunos de los peores criminales en Deadman Wonderland, las personas que no podían ser rehabilitadas. Poseen tecnologías que les permiten anular los poderes de los Deadmen, de tal forma que cualquier construcción de sangre creada por los Deadmen que entre en contacto con sus armas y armaduras volverá a ser sangre común y corriente, a menos que esta rompa la barrera del sonido. Otros miembros son varios soldados armados con armas anti-Deadman.

Higashi Genkaku
Seiyū: Toshiyuki Morikawa
Es el líder de Los Enterradores, se auto-proclama «Super Monje», quien viste como un monje japonés. Tiene una guitarra eléctrica que puede dividirse en dos ametralladoras.

Daida Hibana
Ella es otra de alto rango entre los enterradores, es una amable y bien educada niña cuya personalidad retorcida se debe a que su madre abusaba de ella, como cuando suspendió a Daida en el aire con ganchos incrustados en su piel por delitos menores como el hecho de orinarse en la cama. A pesar de su diminuto tamaño, tiene una gran fuerza. Su arma es una espada que al momento de usarse posee la habilidad de separarse en trozos y alargarse a voluntad, permitiendo una movilidad y un efecto destructivo sorprendente.

a falta de info les dejo tmb de la Wikipedia en Ingles
Ganta Igarashi (五十嵐 丸太, Igarashi Ganta?) aka Woodpecker
Voiced by: Romi Park
The main protagonist of the story, is a seemingly harmless, ordinary middle school boy who is framed for the slaughter of his entire class, perpetrated by the mysterious Red Man. Sentenced to 'death' after a phony trial, he is sent to Deadman Wonderland, where he is initially confused and frightened by the brutality of the prison. Shortly after arriving, Ganta discovers he can manipulate his blood and, thus, is deemed a Deadman, a bearer of a Branch of Sin - a power that allows the bearer to manipulate its blood, usually with lethal effect. Ganta appears to have gained this power from a shard of crimson crystal the Red Man fired into his chest after the massacre at the school. As a Deadman, Ganta is forced to fight and survive in the Carnival Corpse under the moniker Woodpecker while trying to locate the Red Man, who apparently is held captive in Deadman Wonderland. Ganta's power, dubbed the Ganta Gun by Senji, allows Ganta to gather variable quantities of blood in the palm of his hand and then shoot them at high speed, as if they were bullets. While advantageous as a long-range attack, due to Ganta's small stature, this also puts him at risk of experiencing symptoms of excessive blood loss. Ganta participated in Scar Chain's attempt to escape from DW, and helped several members escape along with video and audio evidence of the atrocities being committed below the prison. Ganta, however, chose to remain behind to continue his search for the Red Man. Shortly after these events, Ganta's power began to change, evident by a strange tattoo-like mark radiating out from the crystal in his chest. His Ganta Gun now emits a much more powerful blast than before, though it is much less controllable and causes him physical pain. He has feelings for his childhood friend Shiro who is ironically the very same Red Man that he's bent on killing out of revenge. It is later revealed that Igarashi Sorae is the one who made the wretched egg and the mother goose system.

Shiro (シロ?)
Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa
A mysterious albino girl that Ganta encountered during his first days as an inmate. Clothed only in a skin-tight bodysuit and muffly gloves, which help conceal her heavily scarred skin, Shiro stands out among the other prisoners due to her bizarre appearance and mannerisms. To Ganta, Shiro's manner of speaking and acting remind him of a small child, even though Shiro is the same age as him. However, Shiro possesses inhuman physical abilities and has an intimate knowledge of the prison, having apparently lived there most of her life. From the beginning of the story it is made clear that, as children, Shiro and Ganta were close friends. Ganta, however, has no memories of his childhood, which greatly saddens and annoys Shiro. Despite her seemingly harmless appearance, Shiro harbors a dark secret; she possesses two personalities, one of whom is the 'Red Man' Ganta is searching for. Thanks to the Mother Goose mainframe, Deadman Wonderland's supercomputer which constantly emits a lullaby audible only to Shiro and DW's director, Shiro's other personality is repressed. When the lullaby is turned off, Shiro becomes a murderous, smirking maniac capable of massacring whole squads of armed men with little effort. It's at these times that she dons a crimson colored full body restraint, which gives her a taller, masculine appearance, hence Ganta's inability to recognize her. Shiro is apparently the 'source' of the Branch of Sin abilities and is referred to by Tamaki as the Wretched Egg. Shiro cares greatly for Ganta and constantly seeks his approval. She is willing to do anything that Ganta asks her as long as it will make him happy. Even when in her 'Red Man' state, she still seems to care for him, as it was implied that she butchered Ganta's classmates just so that he would be sent to Deadman Wonderland, where she was also living, though it is later revealed that she did this as to kill him.

Yō Takami (鷹見 羊, Takami Yō?)
Voiced by: Yūki Kaji
A kleptomaniac and an informant to Assistant Warden Tamaki, Yō was hired to watch over Ganta in return of large amounts for Cast Points. Though apparently friendly and polite, in truth he is ruthless, scheming and somehow paranoid, given his position as a spy for the prison's staff. A rarity among the prison population, Yō willingly made himself captured and sent to Deadman Wonderland in hopes to find his sister Minatsuki and buy her freedom with the accumulated Cast Points he got from Tamaki. He cares deeply about her, so much so that he is often thought of suffering from a sister complex, much to Minatsuki's disgust. The two eventually manage to forge an estranged relationship.

Tsunenaga Tamaki (玉木 常長, Tamaki Tsunenaga?)
Voiced by: Junichi Suwabe
A major antagonist, Tamaki is the Assistant Warden and de facto tyrant of Deadman Wonderland. Under his calm, almost idiotic attitude, he is something of a sadist, caring nothing about the fact that he butchers dozens of prisoners every day for the sole purpose of gathering money or experimenting on them, or simply, and mainly, for his own twisted amusement. As son of the dying Chief Warden of Deadman Wonderland, he eagerly hopes for the death of his father to become truly the supreme ruler of the prison, and he devotes much of his time and resources in studying and experimenting on the powers of the Branch of Sin and their origin. He also is in contact with the upper echelons of the Japanese government, his ultimate goal being the synthesis of artificial Deadmen. In sharp contrast with his cruelty, he enjoys playing with children's toys. It is later revealed that his sick game was really just part of his plan to kill the Wretched Egg. Through his research he has created a being that, according to him, will soon hunt down and kill all beings with Deadman powers, including the Wretched Egg, for nutrition. Before the Great Tokyo Earthquake Tamaki was a reclusive and indifferent computer otaku who spent hours if not days secluded in his room, playing games, not caring anything even about his own family. The massive earthquake, which destroyed his home and games, sent him over the edge of sanity and led him to engineer Deadman Wonderland as a gigantic game, so as to keep playing as he did before the earthquake. Nevertheless, when confronted by Toto, who revealed himself to be the real Director of Deadman Wonderland, and made aware that he himself was no more than another pawn in his own game, Tamaki shot himself in the head as an ultimate assurance that this was his, and only his, game.

Chief Guard Makina (マキナ, Makina?)
Voiced by: Takako Honda
Senior leader of the prison's guard staff, Makina is a harsh and cold enforcer which does not hesitate in punishing, often brutally, the prison's population. Known for her demeanor and her large breasts (G cup), she is infamous for carrying a decorated sword with herself at all times, and also for using it to cut whoever breaks the prison's rules, acts that almost always result in bloodshed. Despite her brutality she is far less twisted than Tamaki, whom she is greatly suspicious of, especially after discovering that she knows and has authority over only a part of Deadman Wonderland. This fact, coupled with Tamaki's ever more sick machinations, led her to forfeit her position and hunt him down with the aid of some allies, among them the Deadmen themselves, Ganta in particular. After the death of Tamaki, she came in possession of the data regarding the Wretched Egg, the Deadmen and the Forgeries.

Kiyomasa Senji (千地 清正, Senji Kiyomasa?) aka Crow
Voiced by: Masayuki Katou
Senji, nicknamed Crow, is the first Deadman Ganta encounters while held as an inmate in Deadman Wonderland. Confined in Level G for his ferocity, he is depicted as a tall, powerfully built man which revels in bloodshed and battle, a fact which helps him enjoy his life in prison and the Carnival Corpse matches. He is the first opponent Ganta faces off against, and apparently dominates their entire battle until Ganta suddenly defeats him with a powerful blood shot to the chest. Being defeated, as a penalty Senji is stripped of his right eye, though he reappears shortly after and somehow befriends Ganta, christening his power as the Ganta Gun and helping him by encouraging him during his next match. He developed something of a rivalry with Ganta, demanding him to not being defeated until their next fight. His Branch of Sin power has its blood turning into incredibly sharp scythes that protrude from his forearms, the Crow Claws, with which can perform an attack at the speed of sound he dubs Invisible Black. Ironically, while pretty much everyone finds the name Ganta Gun idiotic, Senji adores it. Also, he becomes greatly embarrassed when in the presence of women with risque clothing, often to the point of ridiculing himself. He often declares Dead Center (Ssslice in the anime) as a catchphrase. He used to be a policeman, and fought with Akatsuki, one of the Forgeries, who has a grudge against him, as Akatsuki used to be a criminal he and his team were after. He was left behind by his friend using a punch to knock him out and his four friends were wiped out. He defeated Akatsuki using a Giant Blade made of blood. As a reminder of his former colleagues, he has their initials, DSMK, tattooed on the right side of his forehead.

Minatsuki Takami (鷹見 水名月, Takami Minatsuki?) aka Hummingbird
Voiced by: Iori Nomizu
Minatsuki is Yō Takami's younger sister, and a Deadman secluded in Level G. When Ganta encounters her for the first time, she appears as an extremely shy and gentle girl who stands at odds with the place she is held in. In truth, this reserved and quiet personality is just a ruse that she uses to make those around her feel secure and to mask her true nature, that of a sadistic psychopath so twisted that she becomes sexually aroused by witnessing others suffering. While an ordinary girl, she became warped (and likely gained her Branch of Sin powers) after her mother abandoned her during the Great Tokyo Earthquake. She lost more than once while fighting in the Carnival Corpse (losing half of her stomach and a kidney), and she lost again in her fight with Ganta, though by rigging the organ-choosing slot machine she only lost her some of her hair, though she can use her Branch of Sin with what is left. After these events she somehow reconciled with her brother Yō, though she still lashes out violently from time to time. Her power, Whip Wing, takes form of blood-made whips which extend from her hair and can deliver immensely quick blows or restrain her opponent.

Nagi Kengamine (剣ヶ峰 凪, Kengamine Nagi?) aka Owl
Voiced by: Daisuke Ono
Kengamine is the leader of the Deadman rebellion group Scar Chain. Before he formed Scar Chain he had a relationship with a female Deadman while in Sector G. They eventually were parents-to-be before being put into a Carnival Corpse against each other where Kengamine intentionally lost due to his lover being pregnant at the time. His defeat gave way to his punishment game, in which he lost his vocal cords, but Tamaki, in a show of cruelty, had Genkaku kill Nagi's lover so as to punish his dishonesty, an act which prompted Nagi to slaughter the Undertakers almost to the last man in a fit of bloody rage. Two years later, he formed Scar Chain with Karako to help reach his own hope of holding his child, whom he believes to be alive on the surface. Later, however, after being tortured by Genkaku, he tells Karako that his child was killed in the womb when his lover was dissected, and is preserved with other Deadmen body parts as a valuable specimen, being the offspring of two Deadmen. Acknowledging his hope of seeing his child again as a mere delusion, he was again driven mad with grief and despair and went on a bloody rampage, killing friend and foe alike until Karako put some sense in him, after which he was mortally wounded by Genkaku. His Branch of Sin, Owl's Eyeball, allows him to generate blood spheres that detonate with tremendous force.

Karako Koshio (興緒 唐子, Koshio Karako?) aka Game Fowl
Voiced by: Itō Kumiko
The second-in-command of Scar Chain who secretly loves Owl and fights for his sake. She is able to use her Branch of Sin to coat part or all of her body in blood, reinforcing her natural strength and durability.

Bundō Rokuro (六路 文堂, Rokuro Bundō?)
Voiced by: Jun Fukuyama
A former chief of intelligence of Scar Chain and also a Deadman. He was a spy of the Undertakers and revealed his betrayal during the Scar Chain's plan to escape Deadman Wonderland.

Azuma Genkaku (東 弦角, Genkaku Azuma?)
Voiced by: Toshiyuki Morikawa
The leader of the 1st Undertaker Platoon. A self-proclaimed "Super Monk" who dresses in the garb of a Japanese monk. He wields an electric guitar that can split into two machine guns. Two years before the main storyline, he was the one who killed Nagi's wife and eventually found an interest in Nagi after he went on a rampage by killing twenty-two Undertaker soldiers. He is eventually finished off by Ganta's Ganbare Gun with the help of Nagi. He was not killed, but is still unconsious and in critical condition.

Hibana Daida (橙 火花, Daida Hibana?)
Voiced by: Takamori Natsumi
The leader of the 3rd Undertaker Platoon, a polite and well-mannered young girl who was warped considerably by the abuse heaped upon her by her late mother, such as suspending her in the air with hooks embedded in her skin and making her solve complex math theories that probably don't even exist for minor things such as bed wetting and vomiting. She was sent to Deadman Wonderland after she dismembered several boys and buried them in the school's garden after they flipped her skirt up. Despite her diminutive size, she is absurdly strong and wields a massive, sectioned sword longer than she is tall.

Toto Sakigami (咲神 トト, Sakigami Toto?) aka Mockingbird
Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro
A mysterious Deadman feared even by Senji, Toto is a mysterious boy dressed in a way reminiscent of Shiro, and appears not only to be one of the strongest Deadmen introduced so far, but also to know in great detail about the true nature and purpose of Deadman Wonderland. His power, Love Labyrinth, allows him to copy the abilities of other Deadmen. However, he states that he recently was reset of his copied powers after his battle with the Red Man. However, even in his weakened state, he managed to take down two of the Forgeries with nothing but a copy of Crow's powers. He freely comes and goes through the prison, and recently has become friends with Ganta. Toto is the only person to have fought the Red Man and have survived. It was recently discovered that he is actually the director of Deadman Wonderland, who was believed to be dead after a confrontation with Shiro, implying that Toto did die after his confrontation with the Wretched Egg, but his body was somehow restored and is now being used by the director.

Masaru "Chaplin" Sukegawa (チョップリン 助川, Choppurin Sukegawa?) aka Peacock
Masaru is a transsexual woman who sees herself as a bright figure in Sector G and is also an announcer for most of the "Carnival Corpse" duels. She is often around Minatsuki, Itadaki "Masu" Kazuya, and Hitara. Her card is Peacock and his Branch of Sin, Peacock Peak, allows her to create what appear to be bramble-like constructs that can be used to trap and pierce opponents. Before being imprisoned, she was an ordinary employee of some corporation who awoke her Deadman powers after finding her lover with a woman, whom she killed.

Idaki Hitara (火多良 懐, Hitari Idaki?) aka Condor
An old man who always claims to be talking to his daughter through his distinctive headset. As we learn through a flashback, Hitara was a teacher whose daughter Yuki, once a beautiful tv starlet, was horribly disfigured during the Great Tokyo Earthquake, and committed suicide by setting herself on fire. Hirata claimed responsibility for the fact, and was thus imprisoned. His Branch of Sin is called Condor Candle and enables him to ignite his blood into flames "that can burn ice". His complete Forgery opponent's were a pair of 30 year old twins who appeared in the form of toddlers. The twins "sleep inducing" blood poison did not seem to affect Hitara, and he was able to finish them off, after spreading his blood all around them during a seemingly losing battle.

Azami Midõ (御堂 アザミ, Midõ Azami?)
Azami Midō is one of the first inmates that Ganta meets. She later becomes a friend of Ganta. Her residence is within the Human quarters, so she is not a Deadman. Although she came off as rude in her first appearance, she was still very kind when she gave Ganta half of her sandwhich after teaching him about Cast Points, scolding him because he didn't read the rule book. There are times when she can be meek, but she seems quick to anger if one pushes the right buttons. After Azami met Ganta, she became a Forgery and is forced to fight as Tamaki bids, but Ganta manages to help Azami regain her mentality that the poison masks stole from her. After a battle with Madoka, she stays behind with Shiro while Ganta goes on ahead. When Shiro vanishes and as her alternate personality (known as the Wretched Egg or The Red Man), Shiro beheads Azami, ending her life.

Mitsuzaki Yosuga
A mysterious girl who claims to have known and loved Toto before he 'changed', and while not actually seen in DW before, is presumed to be a Deadman. She seems to doubt herself repeatedly and speaks in third person. She is later found out to be Toto's older sister.

Deadman Wonderland se inició como una seria manga escrita por Jinsei Kataoka e ilustrada por Kazuma Kondou, publicada por primera vez en mayo de 2007 en la revista Shōnen Ace, de la editorial Kadokawa Shoten. Desde el 26 de mayo de 2011, se reagrupa en 10 tankōbon, más un volumen especial. La serie también está licenciada en Estados Unidos por TOKYOPOP; y en Francia por Mangakana.

En 2011, la serie tuvo su adaptación al anime por parte del estudio Manglobe, siendo la retransmisión original del 16 de abril al 2 de julio de 2011 por los canales japoneses TV Kanagawa y Gifu Broadcasting, contando con 12 episodios. La página americana de emisión stream, Crunchyroll, compró sus derechos para emitirla por internet.

insuficiente la informacion de wikipedia :/ falta bastante D:
Deadman Wonderland 1cabbace-522d-4673-825a-82490dad4739

recomendada para los q buscan algo gore *-*


obiamente la full version D;
super like xD


full version


PAÍS : Perú

SEXO : Masculino


KARMA : 129


EMPLEO/OCIO : Arts & Crafts ~ Desing

HUMOR : Ironico X3

COMO TE SIENTES HOY : Soy una Arveja :3

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Deadman Wonderland Empty Re: Deadman Wonderland

Mensaje  SAGA Sáb 23 Jul - 12:46

interesante aporte, ese anime , se ve genial


PAÍS : Ecuador

SEXO : Masculino


KARMA : 97

LOCALIZACIÓN : por ahi, en algun lugar

HUMOR : soy un asesino de demonios, entonces ¿cual crees?

COMO TE SIENTES HOY : ¿por que no vienes y lo averiguas?

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Deadman Wonderland Empty Re: Deadman Wonderland

Mensaje  Densha Otaku Dom 7 Ago - 22:27

Recomiendo altamente este Anime es extraordinario...Aprecienlo y despues me daran la razon...Salu2
Densha Otaku
Densha Otaku


PAÍS : Perú

SEXO : Masculino


KARMA : 790


EMPLEO/OCIO : The Passenger...I am the passenger and I ride and I ride I ride through the city's backsides I see the stars come out of the sky yeah the bright and hollow sky you know it looks so good tonight

HUMOR : Hakuna Matata

COMO TE SIENTES HOY : Movin' on Without You...Everything I Do, I Do is For You

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Deadman Wonderland Empty Re: Deadman Wonderland

Mensaje  Light Mackiavela Mar 9 Ago - 18:19

Kyo cuñado mio por fin te pusiste un tema que vale la pena xD!!, por el cancion intro me doy cuenta que este anime viene cargado de muchisima sangre ja ja ja.. y la letra es genial

Artist: Deadman Wonder Band feat. Fade
Song: One Reason

Slit the throat of reason and reality
Cut myself and scream for their insanity
Wake up to this nightmare that will never end
Main attraction of this twisted master plan

Trust nothing but pain to get me through the daze
Sleep with one eye open not to be their prey
Fist against my face, they bring me to my knees
Pressures crushing down so hard
I can't break free

When I can feel my skin crawl
When I'm about to crack
The hunger for revenge gives me strength to stand

I will be your deadman
With nothing but this blood on my hands
Stuck in your "wonderland"
I just want to make you bleed like me

Everyday goes by without a second thought
Living in a perfect and controlled project
A puppet of their sick perversions' appetite
Will I be trapped inside this hell until I die?

So what if no one cares
Enough to make a change?
I give my bleeding heart out for one reason

I will be your deadman
With nothing but this blood on my hands
Stuck in your "wonderland"
I want make you bleed just like me

So make me your deadman
With only poison in my veins
Stuck in your "wonderland"
Stagnated by the passivity
I'm gonna make you bleed like me!
Light Mackiavela
Light Mackiavela


PAÍS : Perú

SEXO : Femenino

KARMA : 192

LOCALIZACIÓN : La Ciudad de los Reyes Rojos sedientos de sangre

EMPLEO/OCIO : The Sinister Blade

HUMOR : Soy como una doll fria sin sentimientos y sin alma, pero tengo un corazon inocente que sera irremediablemente corrompido por los humanos. Cuanto los odio.

COMO TE SIENTES HOY : Killer Instincts

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Deadman Wonderland Empty Re: Deadman Wonderland

Mensaje  2Stre//AleXandria Mar 9 Ago - 23:51

Yo soy como Shiro xD Gracias Kyo por poner mi historia *^_^*


PAÍS : Perú

SEXO : Femenino

KARMA : 24

LOCALIZACIÓN : ... ya lo averiguaran

EMPLEO/OCIO : Cazar brujas o niñas bien lo que es igual

HUMOR : Por que me miras asi? quieres que te de una cachetada?


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Deadman Wonderland Empty Re: Deadman Wonderland

Mensaje  ExisttraCelestium Jue 18 Ago - 18:36

Una rapida leida para ver de que se trata esta historia y se ve que esta recontra CVR ^;.,.,.;^ esa prision y las peleas a muerte por el caramelo antidoto hahahahahaha me dan ideas para mi fic *;....;*


PAÍS : Perú

SEXO : Masculino


KARMA : 208

LOCALIZACIÓN : donde la luz y la oscuridad se mezclan para crear un lugar donde solo viven los seres como yo

EMPLEO/OCIO : live is life

HUMOR : impredecible como la muerte

COMO TE SIENTES HOY : Hoy comi la fruta del pekado y no me siento culpable?. hace falta mas fruta, Denme mas fruta, kiero mas mucho mas!! *;...;*

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Deadman Wonderland Empty Re: Deadman Wonderland

Mensaje  AloneKillRoy Vie 19 Ago - 19:01

gracias por la recomendacion se ve que es bien gore y tiene una historia interesante.


PAÍS : Perú

SEXO : Masculino


KARMA : 10

LOCALIZACIÓN : en lo mas profundo de tu mente

EMPLEO/OCIO : estoy buscando una carrera que realmente me guste

HUMOR : depende como me trata el dia

COMO TE SIENTES HOY : No me gusta el verano ¬¬

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Deadman Wonderland Empty Re: Deadman Wonderland

Mensaje  Adrik Vie 19 Ago - 23:52

2StarAmy escribió:Yo soy como Shiro xD Gracias Kyo por poner mi historia *^_^*

O/////////O eres shiro waaaa ahora me enamoro mas *///¬///*

Deadman Wonderland Shiro%20ref

Deadman Wonderland Deadman_wonderland_42

Deadman Wonderland Deadman-wonderland-shiro-manga-9555134-1024-768

weno a los demas seee es recontra xvr *-*
XD como q el primer tema bueno q pongo u///u
lml karma plz ;c


PAÍS : Perú

SEXO : Masculino


KARMA : 129


EMPLEO/OCIO : Arts & Crafts ~ Desing

HUMOR : Ironico X3

COMO TE SIENTES HOY : Soy una Arveja :3

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Deadman Wonderland Empty Re: Deadman Wonderland

Mensaje  gorukiba Sáb 20 Ago - 13:06

este anime es uno de los mejores si k lo es... tiene buena trama os recomiendo


PAÍS : Republica Dominicana

SEXO : Masculino


KARMA : 30

LOCALIZACIÓN : donde pueda


HUMOR : ......

COMO TE SIENTES HOY : siento mucha hambre!! xd

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Deadman Wonderland Empty Re: Deadman Wonderland

Mensaje  Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado

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